ScanVet Kalm Aid 250ml
ScanVet Kalm Aid 250ml
KalmAid is a fast-acting preparation that promotes relaxation and reduces nervous hyperactivity. It is useful for use in situations such as:
- fear (e.g. thunderstorms, fireworks)
- anxiety and fear states (e.g. new surroundings, travel)
- behavioral symptoms
- lack of obedience
Caramel-flavored liquid
The active ingredients of the preparation act within the central nervous system. Vitamins participate in the proper functioning of the nervous system by regulating metabolism and the amino acids used (tryptophan, theanine) induce a state of relaxation and calmness without causing drowsiness. Theanine naturally occurs in green tea and has a beneficial effect on alpha waves in the brain, responsible for the state of relaxation. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid used in the body to synthesize serotonin, an important neurotransmitter involved in, among other things, regulating mood.
sorbitol, glycerin
Additives per 1 liter:
vitamin B3 600mg, vitamin B1 120mg, vitamin B6 10mg, L-tryptophan 50,000mg, L-theanine 30mg, preservatives
Carbohydrates: 38.3% Protein: 3.7% Fat: <0.5% Fiber: 0.5% Ash: <0.5% Water content: 58%
Body weight | Recommended daily dose |
up to 5 kg | 2.5ml |
5 - 10 kg | 5ml |
10 - 20 kg | 7.5ml |
20 - 30 kg | 10ml |
over 30 kg | 12.5ml |
1 dose of dispenser = 2.5 ml
Serve after mixing with food.
KalmAid can be safely used on puppies and kittens in the amount of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.