Loyalty program regulations


  1. The Loyalty Program Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") define the rules for using the Loyalty Program by Customers.
  2. The following terms have the following meanings in these Regulations:
    1. Organizer - Animals@shop Sp. z o. o. based in Gdańsk (80-241), Al. Grunwaldzka no. 56 lok. 113 entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division under KRS number 0000906276, NIP 9571134394, REGON 389195960, with a share capital of PLN 5,000.00, paid in full, who can be contacted: in writing, by sending correspondence to the following address: Animals@shop Sp. z o. o. Al. Grunwaldzka no. 56 lok. 113, 80-241 Gdańsk, e-mail address: info@animalsatshop.com, contact telephone number: (+48) 665 88 92 88 (charge as for a standard call - according to the relevant operator's price list) and in any other way indicated on the website animalsatshop.com ;
    2. Loyalty Program, Program - a promotional campaign called "Loyalty Program" organized by the Organizer. The Program does not constitute a game of chance or a mutual bet within the meaning of the Act of November 19, 2009 on gambling;
    3. Regulations - these regulations of the Loyalty Program.
    4. Store - online store run by the Organizer at animalsatshop.com , on the terms specified in the Store's regulations.


A participant of the Loyalty Program is any person who has registered a customer account in the Store in accordance with the Store's regulations and has accepted the content of the Store's Regulations.


In connection with placing orders for goods or services via the Store, the Participant receives points from the Organizer - calculated according to the following rules:
  1. points are awarded from the moment of joining the Loyalty Program and making any purchase of goods or services in the Store by the Participant - for a period of one year (hereinafter: Points Accrual Period);
  2. after the end of the Points Accrual Period - the points obtained by the Participant lose their validity and cannot be used in any way;
  3. when determining the duration of the Points Accrual Period, contracts for the sale of goods or services concluded via the Store, which were subsequently terminated, are omitted, in particular as a result of the Participant exercising the consumer right of withdrawal (if the Participant has this right - in accordance with the Act of May 30 2014 on consumer rights);
  4. the participant receives points from each contract for the sale of goods or services concluded during the Points Accrual Period (including contracts that resulted in the commencement of the Period), via the Store's website, using an account in the Store - in the amount depending on the value of the goods or services. To determine whether the contract was concluded during the Points Accrual Period, the date of receipt of the order is decisive.
  1. Orders submitted to the Organizer that do not result in the awarding of points are orders:
    1. bypassing the Store's website (e.g. by phone, etc.);
    2. via the Store's website, but without first logging in to your account in the Store.
  2. Each PLN 1 spent by the Participant in the conditions described above results in the Participant being awarded points, depending on the type of goods or services purchased. Goods or services for which spending PLN 1 results in points being awarded are marked on the Store's website - through an appropriate annotation in the description of the product or service or in another visible way. You may not receive points for purchasing certain products or services. In this case, there will be no information on the product page about the possibility of obtaining points. Spending less than one zloty does not result in awarding any points.
  3. Points are awarded automatically after receiving the parcel from the courier, provided that the contract is not terminated earlier, in particular as a result of the Participant exercising the consumer right of withdrawal (if the Participant has this right).
  4. If it is determined that points have been awarded unduly, in particular due to contracts for the sale of goods or services concluded outside the Points Accrual Period or contracts that have subsequently been terminated, the Organizer has the right to withdraw the previously accrued points from the Participant.
  5. From time to time, the Organizer may organize additional promotions - consisting in awarding points to Participants on more favorable terms than those described in point. 1-7 above.
  6. Points are non-transferable.


  1. The Participant has the right to exchange the points obtained in the Program for selected products.
  2. The exchange can be made by selecting the appropriate option in the customer account in the Store.
  3. The Organizer will award the Participant 1 point for every PLN 1 spent. Each 100 points collected is worth PLN 1, which you can spend on selected products.
  4. Points are assigned to the Participant's account in the Store. Points are non-transferable.
  5. The participant may use the points by exchanging them for discount vouchers to be used in the process of ordering goods or services via the Store.
  6. If the Participant decides to withdraw from the contract for the sale of goods or services for which he or she has used points with reference to the consumer right of withdrawal, the points will not be returned.
  7. The Customer is entitled to use the funds allocated to him to exchange them for a Product available in the Catalog available in the Online Store.
  8. The number of Points necessary to exchange them for a Product available in the Catalog available in the Store is indicated each time in the description of each Product in the Catalog available in the Online Store.
  9. The Customer bears the costs of delivery of the Product available in the Catalog.
  10. The Loyalty Program cannot be combined with other promotions, sales or other loyalty and partnership programs in the Online Store.
  11. The accumulated funds cannot be paid to the Client.


  1. The Loyalty Program is introduced for an indefinite period, starting from March 1, 2023.
  2. The Organizer may decide to terminate the Loyalty Program at any time - provided that:
    1. The Organizer will inform the Participants about the intention to end the Loyalty Program well in advance, at least 6 months in advance, so as to enable the use of points;
    2. The Organizer will enable Participants to exchange the points obtained for products
  3. In the event of termination of the Program - unused points lose their validity and cannot be used in any way (including in particular to pay for goods or services in the Store).
  4. The participant does not have to use the points collected from his or her orders.
  5. If you resign from participating in the Program, the Participant loses any previously acquired points.



  1. The administrator of personal data collected during the Loyalty Program is the Organizer. Personal data will be processed by the Organizer in accordance with generally applicable regulations (including: Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC [GDPR] and the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data, Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000).
  2. The Organizer processes Participants' personal data for the purpose and for the period necessary to conduct and settle the Loyalty Program.
  3. The basis for the processing of the Participant's data is:
    1. conducting the Loyalty Program in accordance with the Regulations accepted by the Participant (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR);
    2. the legitimate interest of the Organizer, consisting in particular in pursuing claims against Participants or defending against reported claims and conducting correspondence, etc. (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).
  4. The Organizer does not profile Participants' personal data, nor does it transfer data to third countries (outside the European Economic Area).
  5. The Participant's personal data may be made available to third parties only if the Organizer is entitled or obliged to do so under the law. The recipients of the data may be: entities operating the Store, entities responsible for running the Loyalty Program, marketing service providers, accounting companies, payment processing companies, assembly services, IT solution providers, document disposal companies, authorized state authorities.
  6. The participant has the right to access his/her personal data, rectify it, delete it or limit processing and the right to transfer data.
  7. The participant also has the right to object to the processing of personal data - especially when there is no basis for data processing or when the data is processed for direct marketing purposes.
  8. If the processing is carried out in violation of the law, the Participant has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.


  1. In case of dissatisfaction with the way the Loyalty Program is run, Participants have the opportunity to submit a complaint - in particular:
    1. in writing to the following address: Animals@shop Sp. z o. o. Al. Grunwaldzka no. 56 lok. 113, 80-241 Gdańsk;
    2. to the e-mail address: info@animalsatshop.com .
  2. The Participant will be informed about how to handle the complaint to the e-mail address from which it was sent, within 14 days of its receipt by the Organizer.
  3. The complaint procedure is voluntary and does not exclude the Participant's right to pursue claims through court proceedings.


  1. The organizer reserves the right to change these regulations at any time. In such a case, Participants will be informed about the changes via e-mail, to the address provided during registration - at least 14 days before the changes enter into force.
  2. Changes to the Regulations may not violate the rights acquired by the Participants.
  3. With respect to Participants who are not consumers within the meaning of Art. 221 of the Civil Code, the common court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the Organizer is competent to resolve any disputes arising from the application of the Regulations.
  4. The Regulations do not exclude or limit any rights of Participants who are consumers within the meaning of Art. 221 of the Civil Code, which he is entitled to under mandatory provisions of law. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Regulations and the mandatory provisions of law granting rights to Consumers, these provisions shall prevail.
  5. In matters not regulated by these Loyalty Program Regulations, the provisions of the Store Regulations and the Organizer's privacy policy shall apply.
  6. The organizer in accordance with the Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on ODR in consumer disputes; OJ L. 2013.165.1) - hereby provides an electronic link to the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) platform, facilitating out-of-court resolution of disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs via the Internet: https://ec.europa. eu/consumers/odr.