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Beaphar Puppy Dental Kit - toothbrush and toothpaste 50g

Beaphar Puppy Dental Kit - toothbrush and toothpaste 50g

Regular price 44,93 zł
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Puppy Dental Kit - a set for teaching puppies how to brush their teeth

Proper oral hygiene in puppies is just as important as in humans. Just like us, animals can suffer from bacterial plaque or tartar deposited on the surface of dental crowns, periodontal disease, bad breath from the mouth or gingivitis. Learning proper behavior and developing the habit of brushing teeth in puppies from an early age is an essential step towards maintaining a healthy mouth in the future. The earlier you start getting your puppies used to brushing their teeth, the easier it will be for them to get used to such activities.

Why should you brush your puppy's teeth?

Brushing your teeth should be part of your daily routine from the earliest stages of life, before your puppy begins to lose its baby teeth. Good oral hygiene is the best protection against the following problems:

  • Bacterial plaque

Bacterial plaque is a common problem. It consists of a delicate and soft layer of bacteria covering the tooth surface. Brushing your teeth regularly is the best way to remove it.

  • Tartar

Tartar is a consequence of not removing bacterial plaque. It is formed after the bacterial plaque is saturated with calcium salts. All surfaces where bacterial plaque develops are at risk of this hard deposit forming on them. Tartar cannot be removed by brushing your teeth. In such a situation, it is necessary to remove it by a veterinarian. Tartar is the main cause of bad breath in dogs.

  • Gingivitis

Both bacterial plaque and tartar can cause gingivitis. It is an unpleasant and painful condition that causes inflammation and irritation of the gums.

  • Periodontal diseases

Over time, tartar begins to build up below the gum line. The developing inflammation of the gums leads to the destruction of the tissues lining the socket and then damages the jaw bones. Tartar increasingly separates the tooth from the jaw tissue, which in turn leads to even stronger bacterial growth. Periodontal disease is usually accompanied by bleeding gums, difficulty eating, tooth loss, and in special cases even damage to internal organs.

How can I get my puppy used to having his teeth brushed every day?

Two things are most important: TIME AND PATIENCE

How to use.

  • Step one: You need to accustom your dog to the fact that all oral procedures are normal.

It is especially important that the puppy does not feel discomfort when touched and manipulated in the mouth. These actions should be taken very carefully and in small steps, slowly expanding their scope. While your puppy is snuggling in your lap, gently lift his lips and run your finger over his gums and teeth. Only when he completely accepts it can you move on to the next stage. This time, try to open his mouth very gently. Make sure that during this activity you provide your pet with many positive feelings and that he trusts you completely. Remember to reward your pet whenever you are satisfied with his behavior. Repeat these actions until the dog completely tolerates your actions and does not object to opening its mouth and gently touching its teeth and gums.
Then introduce your patient to the taste of toothpaste. It has a liver flavor, which dogs love, so you shouldn't have any problem with it. Apply a tiny bit of the paste to your fingertip and let your dog lick it off.

  • Step two: start brushing your pet's teeth.

Wet the bristles of the thimble toothbrush with water and apply some Puppy Toothpaaste. To start, simply show your puppy the toothbrush. Let him smell it and even lick it if he wants. Gently lift his lips in the same way you did before and try to lightly brush a few of his teeth and the gums around them. Don't try to brush your entire mouth the first time. As we noted in step one, the goal is to gradually gain the puppy's trust by conducting increasingly bold activities. After some time, you will be able to brush all your teeth. Try to ensure that the procedure takes place in a friendly atmosphere and is not a stressful experience for your patients.
Remember to reward your pet after each successful treatment and thank him for his cooperation.

For animals that are over one year old, we recommend using Beaphar Toothpaste and changing the toothbrush to a larger one.

Why should I use Beaphar Toothpaste?

Never use human toothpastes on pets as they contain foaming ingredients and fluorides that may irritate the stomach of puppies. Beaphar Dog Toothpaste and Puppy Toothpaste do not contain fluorides. The paste recipe includes substances that help keep teeth clean and slow down the build-up of tartar. The paste has an enzymatic effect, which means that its effect, limiting the formation of bacterial plaque, lasts long after the last brushing.

How often should I do this?

It would be best to do this every day, especially if you develop any dental problems or notice that your dog has bad breath. When your friend's teeth are in good condition, brushing them once or twice a week should be enough.

What else can I do to protect my puppy from dental problems?

Biting: All puppies bite - it is a natural stage in their development. Puppies are very lively and curious creatures, they will bite anything they can get their hands on. So, it is your responsibility to exercise proper control over them. Make sure that they can pursue their passion for chewing by providing them with the right amount of toys. They should be sufficiently strong and durable with a flexible surface. You can easily assess it yourself - if you cannot dent the surface of such a toy with your fingernail, it means that it is too hard. Never allow your puppy to chew on stones or bones. They can lead to broken teeth or other health problems.

Other dental products: Beaphar also offers other products for maintaining fresh breath and sprays with the addition of appropriate enzymes to ensure proper oral health.

Diet: An important cause of dental problems is feeding animals food intended for humans. These treats contain sugars that are harmful to puppies' teeth.
Make sure that you buy your pet high-quality food that will provide him with all the necessary ingredients to develop healthy and strong bones and teeth.

Also consider what type of food you plan to feed your puppy. Dry food is generally better for maintaining a healthy mouth because the hard texture of the kibble helps keep teeth clean. Canned food sticks much more strongly to the teeth, but if your puppy prefers this type of food, it is worth considering alternating between feeding both types of food.

Various snacks can also help to improve the oral health of puppies. To achieve the right effect, choose Beaphar Breath Freshener Spray.

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