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Ways to deal with ticks on dogs - protection against ticks

Ways to get rid of ticks on dogs, or how to protect yourself against ticks. This year, the tick season has already started. Many people are not ready for this because we were deceived by the colder winter. However, the ticks have already appeared and are just waiting for our dog. It goes without saying that ticks are dangerous for dogs. You have to protect yourself from them, and it's not that easy. In this entry, I will try to tell you about the ways to deal with ticks on your dog and generally tell you how to deal with them.

Ticks on dogs - why is it so difficult to protect yourself?

First of all, it is worth knowing why it is so difficult to avoid ticks. When reading various guides and statements of dog owners, it is easy to notice that it is impossible to get a clear answer "what works and what doesn't". Some people use collars, others take pills, and someone else suggests drops. The problem is related to the fact that different ticks live in different parts of the country and are susceptible or resistant to different substances. Anti-tick products contain the substance. If we use such a product and ticks in our area are resistant to such a substance, the protection may be less effective. This is why a collar works for some people, while others claim that it is an unnecessary expense because it doesn't work for them. So, personally, I think that when it comes to protection against ticks, we need to try what works for us. It may also happen that after some time the protection we use loses its effectiveness because ticks become resistant to the active substance. Then it is worth changing the product to one with a different composition.

Ways to get rid of ticks on dogs - what methods of protection?

Methods for dealing with ticks on dogs are divided into three categories:

  • external protection includes all products that are used on a dog outdoors. These can be collars or drops. This method involves the active substance reaching the dog's body and then slowly reaching the lipid layer of the skin. Chemicals designed to kill ticks are found on the dog. The tick ultimately dies before it bites the dog or quickly after biting.
  • internal protection includes all products for internal use, mainly tablets. Here, the active substance works from the inside and from there reaches the dog's body to protect against ticks.
  • complementary protection is all natural products that can be used together with target protection. Products with active substances should not be combined because they are quite strong. However, there are no contraindications to using additional gentle products that are intended to repel ticks in other ways.

Anti-tick collars for dogs

A collar is the most popular and at the same time the most convenient means of protecting your dog against ticks. The pet can wear it for a long time without having to take it off for bathing. The collar does not lose its properties in the rain, during contact with sunlight or during everyday use. However, you must know that not all collars work the same. The best one will be one that spreads active ingredients on the animal's skin and fur that kill parasites.

Anti-tick drops for dogs

These are the most famous tick prevention products for dogs. The drops are very convenient to use. They are usually available in the form of a pipette with a single dose adjusted to the dog's weight, which should be administered directly to the animal's skin. The drops contain the active substance fipronil, which accumulates in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, from where it is released to the skin surface along with the animal's sebum. When a tick bites into the dog's skin, the fipronil contained in the drops kills the arachnid. Then it dries and falls off the pet's skin. The short time needed to effectively kill ticks prevents them from penetrating the dog's skin.

Pills that protect against arachnids

Recently, tick control tablets for dogs have become very popular. When a pet bites and swallows it, the active substance passes from its digestive tract into the bloodstream. When a tick attaches to a dog, the substance in the animal's blood paralyzes the arachnid and then leads to its death. And although this is certainly an effective solution, it must be emphasized that the tablet does not protect the dog from being bitten and potentially contracting tick-borne diseases.

Additional protection - natural oils and supplements

Additional protection against ticks for your dog consists primarily of natural oils and supplements. The most popular are probably preparations based on essential oils and cistus as a supplement. Generally, these are delicate and natural products, so there is no problem using them together with target protection that contains chemicals. The purpose of additional protection is most often to change the dog's odor, making it unpleasant or repelling ticks.

Ways to get rid of ticks on dogs

Unfortunately, fighting ticks is not easy, and they can be found everywhere. So it doesn't matter whether we live outside the city or in a block of flats. A dog can easily catch a tick even in a nearby park, hiding in the bush in front of the cage. At the same time, diseases transmitted by ticks are so serious that every writer should use some method of protection against them. You can find a lot of different products on the market, but none of them guarantees 100% effectiveness. We, as dog guardians, have to try different things and see what works best for our pet.

Good luck !

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